Do you like country music?

The old familiar country music song ‘Country roads’ by John Denver never seems to grow even through the music and the media through which it is broadcast has changed. With American Idol auditioning musicians and those who think they can sing, the bottom line these days is all about image apart from having a talented voice.

However, one thing hasn’t changed and that is free music. Before the radio would broadcast music, then came music television and now, it is streaming radio that has captured the hearts and mind of people all over the world since it gives access to music that one does not normally have access to through other mediums.

Finally, not only does one get to listen to music but can also listen to talk radio which consists of radio shows that involve interviews of showbiz variety as well as other prominent personalities in a particular city.
No matter whichever form of media music takes, our love for the particular type of music that we have always loved will continue to remain. And regardless of whether people complain by saying that some artists have sold out, the music that we love will always remain in some form or the other.

Even though John Denver has been gone for almost a decade, his songs still ring strong in our hearts and mind.